White oak leaf
White oak leaf

white oak leaf

The white oak bark is on the left and does not have the red center. Here is a side by side comparison of white oak bark against red oak bark. You can also tell the difference between a red oak and a white oak by looking at its bark. If there are no leaves around, don't despair. In comparison, the white oak leaf is on the right and has the rounded edges. White oaks have smooth, bristleless leaves, sometimes with glandular margins, and acorns with sweet-tasting seeds that mature in one season. The lobes of the leaf are well defined with sharp angles. The red oak leaf is on the left and has jagged edges. This oak can live for centuries which is important to. In the below photo I'm comparing a red oak leaf with a white oak leaf. Its foliage turns to a brilliant display of colors in autumn with showy shades of orange, red, and violet. If the oak tree has leaves, then you've got it fairly easy. In Sutton Massachusetts these two types of oak trees can literally grow side by side. Both are types of the oak tree, and both grow all along the east coast of the United States. The leaves are also larger, measuring up to 12 inches, and are more rounded than the Red Oak, whose leaves are between four and 10 inches long. The leaves can be easily mistaken for the typical Red Oak (Quercus rubra) based solely on appearance. Ontario’s Biodiversity: Species at Risk.It can seem confusing to tell the difference between a red oak ( Quercus rubra) and a white oak ( Quercus alba). American White Oak leaf identification: It has dark green leaves and stout stature. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources: Ontario Tree Atlas. It is a long-lived oak, native to eastern and central.

white oak leaf

Ontario Tree Atlas map of non-planted White Oak. Quercus alba, the white oak, is one of the preeminent hardwoods of eastern and central North America. They sometimes turn a beautiful purple-red in the fall. They are measured at 10-20 cm on average they have blunt teeth that are separated by deep notches. Eastern white oak is also commonly called stave oak because its wood has been used traditionally for barrel-making.

white oak leaf

White Oak leaves are hairless when mature and have 5-9 deep, rounded lobes.


This tree is unique as it can be free from branches for two thirds of its total height. The White Oak can grow up to 35 m in height, 1.2 m in diameter and several hundred years old. Oaks, which all fall under the genus (Quercus) are wide-spread trees found in temperate climates the world over. The sinuses between the lobes vary in depth and the base narrows abruptly to form a wedge. This differentiates them from red oak varieties, which have pointed. 1.Differentiate oak trees from other species. White oak leaves are 5 to 9 inches long with 7 to 9 rounded lobes. Red Oak and its closer relatives have smooth bark. Identification: White oaks can be identified by their long, lobed leaves with curved edges.


White Oak bark is flaky or scaly, and a dark grey when mature. White oak The Morton Arboretum To plant and protect trees for a greener, healthier, and more beautiful world If you encounter issues loading this site, please refresh the page by using Ctrl + F5 if on Windows or Cmd + Shift + R if on Mac. White Oak acorns are still used today, often ground into flour for baking or roasted as a caffeine-free coffee substitute White Oak acorns are sweet and edible when raw, and were traditionally an important staple food for native populations. White Oak can be differentiated from the similar Bur Oak because the leaves are a very bright green, with much deeper lobes than Bur Oak. White oak is also commonly called stave oak. White Oak can be distinguished from the common Red Oak, by the deep, rounded lobes compared to sharply toothed lobes (think 5 letters in WHITE and ROUND). The tree is a hardwood and the lineal taxonomy is Magnoliopsida > Fagales > Fagaceae > Quercus alba L. All oaks have very hard, durable, and elastic wood, and White Oak has traditionally been used as a watertight wood in shipbuilding and casks and barrels for whiskies and wines. White Oak is valued as one our most important commercial hardwoods.

White oak leaf